Tell Congress to Provide Protections from the Deep State
Join conservative leaders in demanding protections from government surveillance.

Congress is attempting to reauthorize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), and leading conservatives want protections against future abuse. In fact, Jim DeMint, Ken Blackwell, Tony Perkins, Brent Bozell, Kelly Shackelford, and many others have sent a letter to the Speaker of the House outlining their concerns that FISA has been politically weaponized.
Of particular concern is FISA’s Section 702, which allows intelligence services to conduct warrantless surveillance activities on foreigners. But it has also been used against American citizens. Conservatives want new protections in place to ensure the government can’t weaponize Section 702 against Americans in the future.
Securing these protections now feels especially relevant, considering unfolding revelations about the intelligence community’s abuse of power in targeting Donald Trump and others—even before the 2016 Russian collusion claims.
The FISA program was scheduled to expire the end of 2023, but Congress extended its operation for a short period. There have been a couple efforts since then to reauthorize the act, but they have fallen short. Congress won’t abandon the effort forever though, which is why now is the perfect time to pass amendments that would limit future use of FISA and protect American citizens from abuse.
Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ) is the author of a warrant amendment, the Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act. Representative Warren Davidson (R-OH) is the author of the Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act, which would prevent law enforcement and intelligence agencies from buying people’s personal information from companies that handle things like email and social media. These and other amendments should be considered before FISA’s reauthorization.
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