
Tell Senate to Ban Federal Digital Currency

If you want to keep the federal government out of your bank account, please act now.


The Senate is set to consider a bill that would block the Federal Reserve from creating a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act already passed the House.


This bill, if passed and signed by the president, would prevent the federal government from creating a centralized digital currency without explicit congressional authorization. President Joe Biden has already expressed his support for CBDCs, making this bill even more urgent.


CBDCs carries multiple significant risks for Americans. First, it would threaten your privacy, because every digital transaction could be tracked by the federal government.


The government would also be in complete control of digital financial resources, including controlling what people may or may not purchase.


If you believe that CBDCs are a dangerous idea, will you contact your senators today? We have prepared a suggested message for you. Feel free to edit the message to reflect your exact concerns.

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